We are a small friendly village society that meets the first Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm held in the Glebe Hall, Vicarage Lane, Winterbourne Earls, Salisbury.
We would be delighted to welcome new members. Our entry fees on the night are £2.00 for non-members & free for current members.
Our membership fee is £18 this year. This will entitle you to Six speaker meetings, One Social Supper, one Christmas Special meeting, reduced show fees, social evenings and a FREE trip to an RHS Garden.

Are you a member?
Would you like to become a member?
Do you have any questions?
Please contact us, we would love to hear from you!
Pam Taylor / Chair - 07769312830
Clare Grace / Show Secretary - 01980 611939
David Baker / Hon. Treasurer - 01980 611343
Clare Dunster / Minutes Secretary - 01980 619121
Joanne Sankey / Committee member - 01980 611118
Kasia Fletcher /Committee member - 07946424168
Harvey Taylor / Marketing & Media - 07454342515